Get to know Josh Ruhter

At Valor Mechanical, we understand that you trust our technicians to help you with all your heating, cooling, and plumbing projects regardless of if it’s for your home or business on a small or large scale. Let us introduce you to one of our construction Field Foremans, Josh Ruhter…

When did you start at Valor?

I started at Valor in January of 2019!

What made Valor Mechanical the right career move for you?

I have grown and bettered myself and my skillset with this team. Valor has been a great place to absorb a ton of knowledge from a surrounding cast of great employees.

Not only have I learned a ton during my time here, but they have a great family atmosphere.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

It can be hard to pick, but I would say camping first and foremost! Summertime is meant for beer and campfires. If I’m not by the campfire, you can find me fishing as I will hit the water any chance I get.

I enjoy tinkering in the garage, building and fixing anything I can get my hands on. My family often says, “It ain’t broke ‘til Dad can’t fix it.”

In the wintertime, I enjoy snowboarding as that is always a great adventure.

Do you own any pets?

I have one dog named Matilda Rose and one cat named Stella Louise (is it weird that they have middle names??)

We also have a fish tank full of fish! I promise they don’t have names or middle names…

Favorite place that you have traveled to and why?

I have had the opportunity to travel to 32 states in the US. I have lots of favorites. If I had to just pick one it would be Bar Harbor, Maine. Reminds me of Northern Minnesota – but you get the ocean as a bonus.

Did you play any sports in High School or College?

I played football in high school. I was the starting benchwarmer as the second-string Quarterback and Defensive End.

Your go-to restaurant when you don’t want to cook at home and why?

Piggy Blues in Austin, MN for some brisket and cornbread. Or we will take a short trip to Rochester for Texas Roadhouse where you always regret eating 3x more than you can handle.

Valor has a whole team of professionals in commercial HVAC and plumbing that offer a variety of services from construction, repair, and preventative maintenance. If you want to learn more about Valor visit our About Us page.

Get to know Josh even more by having him work on your commercial heating, cooling, or plumbing jobs. To learn about all the services Valor Mechanical can provide for you visit:

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